Glendale CB 5 shares updates on DOT’s milling schedule for streets in Glendale and Middle Village By Anthony Medina
Glendale Community Board 5 ponders ambitious capital budget requests during public hearing session in Middle Village By Anthony Medina
Glendale Street resurfacing expected to sweep parts of Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village and Ridgewood next week By Anthony Medina
Glendale Queens Community Board 5 to host monthly meeting in Middle Village on Sept. 13 By Anthony Medina
Glendale Con Edison unveils next phase of project to upgrade power lines in Middle Village By Anthony Medina
Middle Village New adult-use cannabis dispensary set to open on Myrtle Avenue in Ridgewood By Anthony Medina
Ridgewood Community Board 5 pens letter criticizing DOT bus redesign that would eliminate Ridgewood stops Elijah Hamilton
Ridgewood Queens CB 5 member removed after making racist remarks during recent board meeting Elijah Hamilton
Ridgewood Residents call for additional bicycle infrastructure within confines of Queens Community Board 5 By Elijah Hamilton
Glendale Juniper Park Civic Association reveals another Citi Bike expansion counter-proposal By Elijah Hamilton
Ridgewood Citi Bike expansion in western Queens a hot topic of discussion at virtual Community Board 5 meeting Elijah Hamilton
Glendale Juniper Valley Park Track and Field opening to the public after 18 months of construction By Julia Moro
Transportation Glendale’s one-way street conversions in the works as Community Board 5 submits recommendations to DOT By Julia Moro
Middle Village Community Board 5 votes to approve Open Street outside Middle Village elementary school By Rebecca Roche
Transportation Holden criticizes DOT for turning down input in Citi Bike installations in western Queens By Julia Moro
Transportation Alternative plan to install 45 Citi Bike stations would save parking throughout community By Julia Moro
Glendale Hundreds of 911 calls, dozens of arrests and no end in sight to crime spike near Glendale’s Cooper Avenue shelter By Julia Moro
Today, 6:30 pm Meet & Greet with St. John’s University Basketball Applebee’s Grill + Bar Fresh Meadows
amNY ‘Back to the Bridges’: Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge for civil rights on 60th anniversary of ‘Blood Sunday’