Flushing House passes revised bill to ease restrictions on Paycheck Protection Program By Carlotta Mohamed
News New York’s small businesses can apply for help from state’s new loan program: Cuomo By Emily Davenport
Business New Small Business Services commissioner says equitable distribution of resources is main priority By Angélica Acevedo
Dining & Nightlife Queens lawmakers call for city’s small business relief efforts to refocus on boroughs outside Manhattan By Angélica Acevedo
Fresh Meadows Fresh Meadows restaurant brings meals and smiles to essential workers during COVID-19 pandemic By Carlotta Mohamed
Flushing JPMorgan Chase provides $1 million to loan funds for small businesses in Queens and beyond By Jacob Kaye
Ozone Park New Ozone Park Industrial Center offers affordable rental space for small businesses and entrepreneurs By Carlotta Mohamed
Woodhaven ‘From a funeral to a miracle’: Beloved Woodhaven tavern saved, but small biz still struggles across city By Max Parrott
Sunnyside Sunnyside councilman, small business owners rally for commercial rent control By Max Parrott
Astoria Cuomo signs Queens assemblywoman’s law protecting small businesses from immediate enforcement of new regulations By Max Parrott
Flushing Asian American Federation to host a holiday giveaway on Flushing’s Union Street By Jenna Bagcal
Glendale Zoning restrictions on the Glendale stretch of Myrtle Avenue are deterring destination stores By Max Parrott
Glendale Glendale business owners and lawmakers look to revive Myrtle Avenue with resurrected chamber of commerce By QNS News Team
Flushing Flushing Chamber of Commerce launches ‘Made in Flushing’ program to support local entrepreneurs By Carlotta Mohamed
Flushing Asian American Federation launches program to replace small business signage on a major Flushing street By Carlotta Mohamed
Flushing Queens lawmaker’s bill to help struggling small businesses awaits Cuomo’s signature By Suzanne Monteverdi
College Point PHOTOS: New cafe and coffee roaster in College Point is brewing up something fresh By Suzanne Monteverdi
Tomorrow, all day The 92nd Street Y, New York Announces Harkness Dance Center – Celebrating 90 Years, Featuring Performances from Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE and PHILADANCO!
Tomorrow, 7:30 pm It CAN Happen Here! Hallie Flanagan and the Federal Theatre Project Culture Lab LIC
amNY Op-Ed | When Trump kills congestion pricing, the MTA cannot continue to treat taxi, Uber drivers and passengers as an ATM machine!