By Sabina Cardali
‘Welcome to the Point. The Point being College Point. The free summer park programs continue at MacNeil Park, sponsored by Poppenhusen Institute and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, and funded partly by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Queens County Savings Bank and Queens Surface Corp. The last one was the Phil Costa Something Special Orchestra performing the sounds of the Big Bands.
Children’s programs were every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. at MacNeil Park House. The last performance, the Wolf, performed by the Tuckers Tales Puppet Theater, was to be Aug. 6. The rain site for children and adult programs is at Poppenhusen Institute. Space is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Holy Trinity Ladies Bowling is starting a new season Sept. 9. Anyone interested in joining should go to the meeting on Thursday, Sept. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the rectory basement meeting room. For further information, please call Jo Tauraso at 746-0913.
St. Mel’s Home School Association is sponsoring a Flea Market on Sunday, Nov. 17. If you are interested in renting a table, please contact Linda Mele at 661-3061.
A reminder from the Sanitation Action Center — Glass and Plastic recycling was suspended. Place glass, plastic and beverage cartons in your regular garbage. Use your blue bins to recycle metal items such as cans, aluminum foil wrap and trays, and household metal objects.
Mixed papers go in the green bins with cardboard and cardboard boxes, which can be broken down and tied up.
Community Board 7 has been advised by the Department of Design and Construction that the Seepage Basin Contract SEQ200395/200396 has commenced. They are working in Boards 12 and 13 and will add the following basins in your respective communities — 144th Street, between 25th Avenue and Parsons Boulevard; IFO 23-38 and 23-44 144th St.; northwest and southwest corners of 160th Street and 12th Road; and 26th Avenue and 125th Street.
Sabina says…Rocky and I had the biggest surprise birthday party of our lives. Our daughter Angela arranged it. The following people helped her put it together: Joann, Cathy, Warren, Michelle, David, Liam, Betty for the favor idea, Gil Mendez and Robert Graziano, as well as Cascarino’s for the great food, and Full Moon Productions with Robert Aiello for the great DJ entertainment.