By Sabina Cardali
Welcome to the Point. The Point being College Point. It may be getting chilly, but the children’s anticipation of the upcoming Halloween activities makes you warm and excited.
The Poppenhusen Institute will be mounting a Sept. 11 Memorial Exhibit. It will be a humble exhibit that will focus on those lost from College Point. It will not open until the end of October and then will be open for at least one year.
For the sake of privacy and respect, the first opening will only be for family, clergy and representatives from the firehouse and police precinct. The public and special organizations will be invited for a second opening the following week.
Happy birthday to Lucie Shannon, Carol Lange, Judy McDonald, Angelica Lockerbie, Erika Blanc, Kimberly Smith, Ted Buhl, John Newton, Andrew Tucker, Charles Zittel, Alice Crotty, Edythe Jerabek, Diane O’Leary, Tina Banks, John Carmichael, Ada Klein, Stephanie Motz, Christine Perticare, Anthony Rios, Carly Loagar and Harry Hoffman.
Condolences to the families of James Anderson and Frank Puppa.
Speedy recovery to Susan Coppolino.
Congratulations to Maureen Puppolo on bowling 201 at Whitestone Lanes.
The First Reformed Church will be having its Fall Rummage Sale on Friday, Oct. 25. Drop off items on Thursday, Oct. 24. They will welcome any items for donation.
The Rev. Paul Hamilton will be celebrating his 30th anniversary on Nov. 2. The celebration will include mass at 3 p.m. at St. Paul’s, and a formal dinner at the Poppenhusen Institute at 6 p.m. There will be distribution of the St. Paul’s Journal/Directory, honoring the Rev. Hamilton.
College Point Little League is holding early registration for the spring 2003 season for players 5 through 18 years old. Sign up early and save. Fees will increase to $25 after December 2002. The Jr./Sr. Ponies (ages 13 through 18) fee is $100, with the second player in the division at $75. The Minor/Majors (ages 9 through 12) fee is $95, with the second player in the division at $70. The Mini Minor/Tee Ball fee is $75, with the second player in the division at $50.
An additional $30 administration fee will be charged per family. This fee will be refunded after a minimum of three hours of approved volunteer service. Dates of early registration are Wednesday, Nov. 13; Saturday, Nov. 16; Saturday, Nov. 23; and Wednesday, Dec. 11. Wednesday registrations will be held from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., and the Saturday registrations will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The second Wednesday of each month is Little League meeting night. Register in person at the College Point Little League Building at 13-28 123rd St. Phone 460-8408. You will need the full registration fee (cash or check), birth certificate(s) and proof of address.
There will be an emergency blood drive on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Flushing Hospital Medical Center, in the auditorium of the Medical Science Building, at 4500 Parsons Blvd. For more information and to donate blood, please call Felicia Williams at 670-4434. Free flu vaccinations will be Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. You must call 670-5486 to preregister. Only 100 vaccinations are available.
General election day is Nov. 5. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The Boy Scouts Troop 18 of St. Fidelis will hold its Annual Bake Sale on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 7:30 a.m. to noon, alongside the church, by the garden.
Sabina says…The family holidays are almost upon us, starting with Halloween, and I can’t wait to see the children; the parents are secondary in this holiday. Of course, I surprise them also with goodies and myself (as the good witch).