
Students Return To New Orleans

One year ago, Cardozo graduates Udora Choi, 19, and Kaye Park, 20, were preparing for final exams during their freshmen year at Tulane University in New Orleans. Now, one year later, after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast forcing the closure of the university for the first semester, both students are getting ready for finals at Queens College, and at the same time, preparing to go back to Tulane when the school reopens in January.
&#8220It's definitely not going to be the same, but most of the people I know are going back,” Park said.
Choi, who went back to school in August before Hurricane Katrina struck in order to help with freshman orientation and then had to evacuate to Texas, returned to Tulane during the beginning of November in order to pick up some of her belongings that she was not able to take with her over the summer.
&#8220I wasn't sure what to expect because on the plane ride there, we saw so many business people,” said Choi. &#8220Once I got down there, I realized that New Orleans still needs a lot of work. It was a bit of a shock to me.”
Although Choi said Tulane's campus appears to be in relatively good shape, it was the surrounding areas that troubled her.
&#8220It was a bit hard and a bit frustrating,” Choi said. &#8220There were so many changes - transportation was limited; houses were completely demolished.”
&#8220A lot of people have asked me if I am scared,” Park said. &#8220That's not what I am feeling at all. I am pretty sure the school has at least taken care of the campus, and it is secure and safe.”
Perhaps the biggest adjustment Park will have to make when she returns to Tulane is that she will no longer be living in her off-campus apartment. Instead, she will spend the semester living on a cruise ship docked in the Mississippi River.
Although Choi and Park know they will need to make many adjustments when they head down to Tulane in a little more than a month, they are both excited to go back.
&#8220I really just want to go back to Tulane; dorming there, seeing my friends, classes I was going to take, the whole college experience that I went down there for,” Choi said.