
Brooklyn Anticipates More Small Secondary Schools

By Michèle De Meglio

Wait – there’s more! In a matter of months, the number of small schools operating in New York City will grow to 185. The city Department of Education (DOE) has announced that 36 new small secondary schools will open in September – several of which will be located in Brooklyn. Small schools offer lower class sizes than traditional schools and aim to boost student attendance and performance on standardized tests and New York State Regents Exams. According to data released by the DOE, the schools are doing just that. Department records show that during the 2004-2005 school year, small schools throughout the city recorded an average attendance rate of 89 percent – eight percentage points higher than the average rate for all city schools. Also that year, 87 percent of ninth-graders in small schools were promoted to the tenth grade, which was higher than the 72 percent promotion rate for all city schools. When announcing the openings of the 36 additional small schools at a junior high in Williamsburg, Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said the new schools are a step in the right direction. “These schools will continue to have a big impact on the lives of New York City’s children,” he said. “The efforts of the innovative principals who are leading the small schools, the talented teachers who are giving students personalized attention, and the numerous intermediaries and community partners that are providing outstanding opportunities are paying off in strong student results. It’s clear that small schools are making significant progress towards preparing more of our city’s students to graduate.” To further aid students in their search for educational success, each small school is teamed with a community-based organization, which provides resources and academic support to youths. Two of the small schools opening in Brooklyn in the fall will be housed at 911 Flatbush Avenue. Dubbed the Academy for College Preparation and Career Exploration, the school is partnered with the College Board and will serve grades six and nine in September. With a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, students will have an opportunity to participate in internships and mentor programs. Also at the Flatbush Avenue site will be the Academy of Hospitality and Tourism. Accepting students for a ninth grade class, the school will offer a travel and tourism program. To be located at 400 Irving Avenue, the Academy for Environmental Leadership will begin the next school year with a ninth grade class. Maintaining an environmental science program, the school will encourage students to take an active role in improving their communities. Prospective ninth-graders interested in creative arts might want to check out the Academy for Young Writers. Classes at the school, 183 South Third Street, will be project-based. Students will also be required to complete community service. At the Agnes Y. Humphrey School for Leadership, 27 Huntington Street, students will be required to wear uniforms. Accepting students in grades kindergarten to nine for September classes, the school will focus on project-based learning and fieldwork. The Brooklyn Community High School of Communications, Arts and Media will be housed at 300 Willoughby Avenue and require students to complete written, visual and oral projects. The school will open in the fall with a ninth grade class. Set to open at 325 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn Latin will welcome ninth-graders in September. Following the structure of the successful Boston Latin School, Brooklyn Latin will maintain a humanities-based curriculum offering courses in classical languages, such as Latin and Greek. The Green School: An Academy for Environmental Careers will be housed at 223 Graham Avenue. Focused on the sciences, the school will require students to complete portfolios and independent interest projects. Also opening in September will be Community High School, the location of which has yet to be announced. At 800 Van Siclen Avenue will be the Frederick Douglass Academy VIII Middle School. The Kingsborough Early College School will be housed at 4200 16th Avenue. The New Horizons Preparatory School will be at 1224 Park Place. The Ronald Edmonds Learning Center II will open at 430 Howard Avenue. At 225 Adelphi Street will be the Urban Assembly Academy of Arts and Letters. And at 70 Tompkins Avenue will be the Urban Assembly Young Women’s Academy for Math, Science and Innovation. Applications for these small schools are due to guidance counselors by February 28. For more information, students should contact their guidance counselor, call 311, or visit www.nycenet.edu. Gung hay fat choy! The Year of the Dog 4703 was hailed with jubilation as celebrants ushered in the foremost day of the Chinese calendar with a rollicking parade along 8th Avenue. Festivities – presented by the Brooklyn Chinese-American Association (BCAA) – transformed the stretch between 50th and 61st streets into a burst of color and action as frolickers teamed up with civic leaders for the annual celebration; among them, Borough President Marty Markowitz and Councilman Vincent Gentile. Paul Mak, BCAA president, led a program of special attractions, capped by the traditional Chinese “dragon dance.” The crafted behemoth is 100 feet long and is executed by master dancers, Lining the parade route were thrilling Lion dancers in traditional regalia and an assortment of other striking characters, including music troupes, martial artists and banner groups. The dancers stopped in front of stores and restaurants to perform the traditional “lion dance” to signify luck and prosperity for the community.