I read The Queens Courier on occasion but take exception to your “Quick Getaway to Chicago” column that caught my attention since I was just in Chicago too. In bold type, you wrote that you visited the Signature Room in the John Hancock Building, the tallest building in Chicago. The Sears Tower has been the tallest for quite a long time now.
Publisher’s note: I thank you and you are correct. I should have written that The John Hancock is the tallest residence and office tower in Chicago.
A thank you letter
Thank you all for your support of the Queensborough Performing Arts Center throughout this past season.
Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC) has evolved over the past decade from a local sponsor of community cultural activities into a major regional arts presenter, collaborating with outstanding established and emerging artists from all over the world.
Since 2004, QPAC has experienced:
QPAC, while attracting the best talent, has remained an economical entertainment choice for working folks, the younger generation and the senior population whose loyalty the success of our series was built upon.
So, thank you again. We look forward to your continued support of our cooperative efforts in providing greater accessibility to the arts.
Susan Agin
Managing and Artistic Director
Queensborough Performing
Arts Center
Sabbath Saturdays
Why has City Councilmember Tony Avella chosen to sponsor another round of activities at Fort Totten on Saturdays, again, excluding those of the Jewish faith who CANNOT attend because they are forbidden to travel on the Sabbath.
Last year, I made it a point to request that an attempt be made to schedule some of these functions on a Sunday when ALL that chose could partake of these festivities. Apparently, I was ignored because here we are again!
On March 24, I contacted Avella’s office to again ask WHY the coming round of activities are scheduled for Saturdays, I received only lame responses.
I wish somebody could find out if Avella’s office did or did not make any attempt in securing dates that would allow EVERYONE to attend. It would sadden me to think that he has no consideration for religious observances that are not his own.
Renee Wagner
Lawn litter petition
Are you tired of picking up circulars from in front of your house several times a week? Isn’t it distressing to find a dozen packages of advertisements sitting on your front steps, on your front lawn and the sidewalk when you get back from a few days’ vacation, knowing that it is a tip-off to even the most amateur burglar?
The tossing of unsolicited and unwanted advertisements onto our private properties has been a long-time complaint of many city residents, especially those in Queens. Several legislators have attempted to pass laws prohibiting this, but these usually fail to pass First Amendment challenges.
A bill (#S.3420) has passed in the NY State Senate addressing this problem. It would require the placing of a small sign on your property stating that you do not want these unsolicited circulars. Senator Frank Padavan, who is a sponsor of this bill, says that this bill, as written, will not be in violation of the circular distributor companies’ “First Amendment” rights, since this will not prevent the delivery to those who want them.
This piece of legislation, called the “Lawn Litter Bill,” has passed the State Senate and has gone to the State Assembly (Bill #A.6247). Unfortunately, for the past three years, bills that were very similar to it failed to be passed in the Assembly.
You can change that. You can help by printing out this simple, one page petition, and mailing it to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. He needs to know that YOU feel it is a big problem and you want it solved once and for all.
Let your neighbors know also. For the price of a stamp and a few minutes of your time, you can make a difference. A PDF of this one-page petition is available at:
This needs to be sent out very soon, before the Assembly closes its session in the next three or four weeks.
Rick Duskiewicz
President, Creedmoor Civic Association
Bellerose Manor
Brave Americans
Etched in stone, the story said
a president’s call, the young did go,
some are wounded, some are dead,
while other’s fates we do not know.
Fear upon a tired face,
a cold and dreary winter rain
airlifted from a frightening place,
in blood and bullet-ridden pain.
In hospital beds, the heroes lie,
with solemn hopes, both then
and now,
for fallen comrades, all will cry,
in silent prayers, they humbly bow.
As tattered flags still proudly wave,
and haunting notes of bugles play,
bold memories embrace the brave,
their deeds are now on
proud display.
For jobs well done, pride
from bandages hang their
purple hearts,
as gentle, golden aura glows.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.
Letters To The Editor
Email us your letters to editorial@ queenscourier.com for publication in The Queens Courier or send them to The Queens Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361, attention: Editorial Department. Please include name and contact information.