
Store helps needy in time for Passover

Hundreds of Queens families will have a more enjoyable Passover this year thanks to a generous donation from Stop & Shop.

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Borough President Helen Marshall and Councilmembers Elizabeth Crowley and Karen Koslowitz joined Shop & Stop executives as the store recently donated 1,000 pounds of food to the Queens Jewish Community Council Kosher Food Pantry in Forest Hills.

“Too many people in this city live in poverty and experience hunger, especially during today’s harsh economic reality,” Crowley said on “Not only does Stop & Shop deliver for families in need, they recognize religious beliefs of the diverse communities of this great city. Stop and Shop’s donation captures the spirit of Passover which is about family, community and helping those in need.”??

The number of Jewish poor in New York City has soared by 30 percent since last Passover, and there are currently an estimated 300,000 Jewish households, 20 percent of the city’s Jewish families, living in impoverished conditions.

According to the Queens Jewish Community Council, in January of 2009 its food pantry served 689 people in need. In February of 2009 they served 930 in need. The number soared to 1,121 in January of 2010 and 1,818 in February of this year.

“The realities of this economy have had a devastating impact upon many New Yorkers who suddenly find themselves unable to provide basic necessities for their families, said Warren Hecht, President of the Queens Jewish Community Council. “The requests for assistance from members of the Jewish community as Passover approaches has been overwhelming”

Many of the city and borough leaders praised Stop & Shop and believe that other companies should consider making similar donations to help those less fortunate throughout the year and especially during the holiday season.

“This donation – which will help to feel so many hungry children – defines the spirit of Passover, a holiday that is about family, community and miracles,” Quinn said.