
Network, meet deBlasio at Courier ‘Power Breakfast’

Business and community leaders across Queens already know the value of networking to grow their companies. Adding a top level speaker such as New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio makes for a unique opportunity.
The Queens Courier will present just such an event – a “Power Breakfast” at the Water’s Edge Restaurant in Long Island City – on Thursday, December 9.
The networking event will feature de Blasio as keynote speaker, as well as a discussion panel including Carol Ann Conslato, president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce; Jay Hershenson, senior vice chancellor of the City University of New York (CUNY); Joseph Mattone of The Mattone Group; Nayibe Nunez-Berger, president of the Latin American Cultural Center of Queens, Inc; and Philippa L. Karteron, executive director of the Council for Airport Opportunity. The panel will discuss an array of topics from education to real estate and will be moderated by Jack Rainey, Senior Vice President, Government and Community Banking, TD Bank.
Before becoming Public Advocate, de Blasio served as a Councilmember from District 39 in Brooklyn. He also served on Community School Board 15 and as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign manager during her successful run for U.S. Senate in 2000.
In his role as a public advocate, de Blasio is a watchdog – ensuring that all New Yorkers receive the city services they deserve and have a voice in shaping the policies of their government. At the position’s most fundamental, it serves as a link between the electorate and the city government. He is also the first in line to succeed the Mayor in extreme circumstances.
“We are delighted that Public Advocate de Blasio will be coming to Queens and meeting our community leaders at The Queens Courier’s Power Breakfast,” said Courier Co-Publisher Joshua Schneps. “Our last event with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand was informative, as well as ‘powerful networking’ and we expect this event to be even bigger.”
The event, presented by The Courier, NY1, The Daily News, TD Bank, CUNY, The Queens Chamber of Commerce and the Water’s Edge Restaurant, begins at 8:30 a.m. and tickets can be purchased online at qns.com/events or by calling 718-224-5863, Ext. 226 for $35 each. Plenty of parking will be available, so be sure to attend and represent your business.