Have Americans abandoned reason and common sense?
Consider the following:
? Officials in one town propose that you are free to burn the American flag on the street but lighting a cigarette will cost you a $1,000 fine;
? One high school permits images of Che Guevara and Chairman Mao on T-shirts but bans the American flag because it may offend;
? One school principal requests permission slips from parents before allowing students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance;
? The designations “mother” and “father” on passports have been replaced by “Parent 1” and “Parent 2”.
The Pledge of Allegiance, our flag, celebrations of “Mothers’ Day” and “Fathers’ Day” do not offend me; images of Che and Mao, who are responsible for the deaths of countless millions, do.
To strengthen our ties and regenerate our values and spirit, we must have knowledge and understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the history of Che and Mao and most importantly, our Founding Fathers . . . or should I say Founding Parents?
Ed Konecnik