Editor’s note: The following letter was initially sent to Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Dear Mayor Bloomberg:
All New Yorkers were able to able to cheer on the Giants as they won the Super Bowl. To many, they are New York heroes. My constituents and I look were proud to celebrate their triumphant return as champions at a victory parade.
The people of New York are always willing to support the winning team, which is why I am urging you to support our returning veterans by honoring them with a ticker-tape parade through the Canyon of Heroes. We all need to take the opportunity to stand up and support our returning warriors.
We understand the decision you made was not done so lightly; however, we ask that you revisit this choice. The people of New York want and deserve the opportunity to honor our returning soldiers.
The American military will always have a global presence, and at times we will be engaged in ongoing combat efforts. This is no reason to not acknowledge the simultaneous return of a large number of our young men and women. It is our duty to thank them for their service on any opportunity we have.
I appreciate your continued concern for veterans and veterans’ issues. From waiving of civil service exam fees for veterans to appointing the first city commissioner of veteran’s affairs, we know you support our soldiers. Please take this opportunity to continue your record of service and honor our servicemen and servicewomen in the manner they deserve.
Assemblyman Mike Miller
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