
Nab Teen Muggers In Glendale

They Beat Him Up For iPhone

Four Glendale teens were collared by police shortly after they allegedly mugged a male at a local intersection last Saturday afternoon, Mar. 31, law enforcement sources said.

The suspects were identified by NYPD sources as Dino Sindoni, 18, of 86th Street; Kamil Jakubiak, 17, of 69th Place; Igli Jaupi, 17, of Central Avenue and Anthony Sloan, 16, of 64th Street.

According to information provided by the Queens District Attorney’s office, the attack occurred at around 3:55 p.m. at the corner of Central Avenue and 71st Street.

Reportedly, the male victim was walking through the area when Sindoni, Jakubiak, Jaupi and Sloan approached and surrounded him.

Seconds later, authorities noted, the four allegedly began punching and kicking the victim around the body. During the assault, police said, one of the teenagers allegedly took his iPhone.

Members of the 104th Precinct arrived at the scene a short time later. The teenage suspects were stopped and then taken into custody following questioning.

It was noted that the victim suffered minor injuries, including various abrasions and lacerations.

Jakubiak, Jaupi, Sindoni and Sloan were each charged with one count of second-degree robbery.

According to a spokesperson for Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown, the four were arraigned in Queens Criminal Court on Sunday, Apr. 1, before Justice A. Kirke Bartley. Jaupi and Sindoni were ordered held on $5,000 bail or $1,000 cash; Jakubiak and Sloan were released on $1,000 bail.

They are each scheduled to return to court on Apr. 16.