
More Honors for Late War Veteran

Widow Accepts Her Husband’s Awards

Ozone Park resident Anita Hucke was overwhelmed to receive eight medals and commendations on behalf of her late husband, World War II veteran Charles V. Hucke, presented by Rep. Bob Turner at her home last Tuesday, May 22.

Rep. Bob Turner presented Anita Hucke (seated) and her son, Richard Hucke, a replacement Purple Heart, the Bronze Star Medal, and several other medals and commendations on behalf of her late husband, World War II veteran Charls V. Hucke, last Tuesday, May 22, at her Ozone Park home.

“Just as our veterans go above and beyond the call of duty to protect us, it is our duty to go above and beyond to honor their service properly. Mr. Hucke was shot and wounded during battle and continued to fight. His actions during numerous battles warrant all of the recognition in the world,” Turner said.

Towards the end of March, Anita Hucke contacted Turner’s office to help obtain a replacement Purple Heart Medal that her husband was awarded for injuries sustained on Sept. 11, 1944 in France.

The congressman’s office was not only able to get the replacement medal, but also verified Mr. Hucke’s entitlement to a Bronze Star Medal for meritorious achievement in ground combat during the Northern France Campaign, as well as the Good Conduct Medal; American Campaign Medal; Europe-African- Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 2 bronze stars; World War II Victory Medal; Combat Infantry Badge 1st Award; and Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII.

Turner, a veteran himself and a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, has made it point to help veterans receive proper acknowledgment for their service.

“Having the opportunity to honor one of my fellow veterans for his or her service is a highlight of this job. I was honored to sit with Mrs. Hucke and her son and present each medal,” he said.

Anita Hucke and her son, Richard, were overjoyed by the unexpected medals and commendations as well as the time Turner took to explain each one.

“He was very kind to me. It was very heartwarming that he took so much time explaining everything to me and really expressing his sorrow as if he knew my husband. My son and I were extremely surprised because we didn’t know about it. My husband wasn’t the kind of guy who would talk about what he went through in the service,” Anita Hucke said of finding out about the additional medals she would be receiving. “In his last days, all of a sudden, he would say I was shot in the war. Don’t forget my husband was a very young man when he was hurt. Now, when I think of all the things they went through, it means so much that Congressman Turner took the time to come present this to me.”

Since taking office, Turner has presented 27 medals to five veterans including three Bronze Star Medals and two Purple Hearts-two of the U.S.’s highest military honors.

Veterans looking to find out eligibility for medals and commendations, as well as VA benefits, are encouraged to contact Redmond Haskins in Turner’s office at 1-718-426-5000.