Dear Editor:
The recent increase in price for the New York Post from 75 cents to a $1 still leaves both the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times as the best bargain in town.
Newspapers and magazines have to deal with increasing costs for newsprint, delivery and distribution along with reduced advertising revenues and declining readership due to competition from the Internet and other new information sources.
Daily newspapers concentrate on international, Washington, Albany, City Hall, business and sports stories. They have few reporters assigned to cover local neighborhood news beats.
These reporters have to compete against colleagues for limited available print space. As a result, daily newspapers miss significant news and political stories from Ridgewood and other surrounding Queens and Brookly local neighborhoods.
Weekly newspapers such as the Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times fill the void for coverage of local community news.
In the marketplace of ideas, let us hope there continues to be room for everyone, including our own Times Newsweekly/Ridgewood Times.
Larry Penner
Great Neck
Editor’s note: We thank Mr. Penner for his comments and all of our loyal readers for your continued support. As the Times Newsweekly/ Ridgewood Times approaches its 104th anniversary on Aug. 1, we are as committed as ever to providing excellent coverage of Brooklyn and Queens at a reasonable cost to our readers.
Letters from readers are invited and should be sent by regular mail to Times Newsweekly, P.O. Box 860299, Ridgewood, N.Y. 11386- 0299 or by e-mail to info@times All letters must be accompanied by the writer’s full name and address, which will be withheld upon request. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. All letters are subject to editing. The opinions expressed in each letter are not necessarily those of the Times Newsweekly or its staff.