Now that Hurricane Sandy has moved away after severely battering our area and causing immense devastation, I would like to share my experience I had during the storm.
My wife and I were in our sixth-floor apartment riding out the storm, and about 7 p.m. we heard and felt a violent noise which shook our apartment. I went downstairs to the lobby and heard from some of the neighbors that one of several large trees had been uprooted and slammed against the front part of our apartment building.
Thankfully, nobody was injured or killed. After going back upstairs and about 20 minutes later, we heard another violent noise which shook our apartment. A second tree had fallen and slammed against the building.
For the rest of the night, the wind shrieked with fury and we were frightened. The next morning, when we ventured cautiously outside to see what damage the storm had wrought, there was a total of four trees that had been uprooted.
All around our neighborhood there were many trees uprooted, along with other types of damage. Hurricane Sandy was certainly an unwelcome visitor that caused deaths, a lot of damage and a lot of misery.
Hopefully, we will never experience a storm as powerful as this one again.
John Amato
Fresh Meadows