I used to laugh at the “No-Bama” quip appearing on bumper tags, asking, “Miss Bush yet?” I would harken back to decisions made during that, period such as the unnecessary Iraq war, tax cuts for the wealthy and so on, not to mention Dr. Evil Cheney, which still leaves a sour taste merely recalling his being.
I would think to myself, “Sure, miss him like I miss the plague.” I thought at the time they were about the worst president and administration, chosen 5-4 by the U.S. Supreme Court, that inflicted hardship upon our country and the middle class.
But that was then and this is now. Sometimes decisions made in haste are decisions too hastily made.
Although my views were and still are diametrically opposed to those championed by the Bush administration, in comparison with today’s extreme right-wing, Tea Party-infused radicals, they appear to be the essence of intelligence.
This present clueless ship of fools is Cruz-ing down a river toward a waterfall. Their brainpower seems to have been replaced with gun powder. I believe they will get their powder wet.
What amazes me is how this splinter in the side of the Republican Party has been allowed to fester and infect today’s already radically conservative incarnation of what was at one time the Grand Old Party.
Nicholas Zizelis