
Inform people of school hearing

It was disconcerting to read that Mandingo Tshaka still believes I supported construction of a new school at the Keil Brother’s site (“Community deserved say in planned school,” Dec. 6-12).

I have said all along that our community and I are opposed to this site. Any other statement is at the hands of those who seek headlines, not results.

Aside from that, Tshaka brings up a critical issue in his piece. Our residents need to have a greater say in construction planned for their communities, but more importantly they need to be included and informed during the earliest stages of planning.

It is unacceptable to hold a hearing about an issue that will directly affect residents without informing those residents of the hearing in advance. The communication between residents and city agencies needs to be addressed to prevent situations like this from happening.

Paul Vallone

City Councilman-elect
