In another step to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods that were impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, Councilman Francisco Moya and city agencies unveiled a new Parks Enforcement Patrol (PEP) sub-station at Park of the Americas in Corona.
Moya designated funding that will include PEP officers patrolling in and around the parks in the neighborhood.
“The work to improve quality of life continues and I am incredibly proud to be standing here in the very playground where I grew up to announce the funding I am bringing to have a Parks Enforcement Patrol unit based here in Park of the Americas,” Moya said. “The PEP officers will now have a presence in the community to help us address quality-of-life issues, especially at a time when we need our parks the most as we recover from COVID-19. We all deserve safer and cleaner parks we can enjoy and this is another step towards that.”
PEP staff are uniformed, shielded with NYC special patrolman and NYS peace officer status, who provide security and safety in city parks as well as information about Parks rules to patrons, and safeguards Parks wildlife and facilities. PEP officers are also empowered to enforce the NYS penal code, NYC Health code and NYC Parks Rules and Regulations.
“This new trailer will help our Parks Enforcement Patrol officers cover parks in Council District 21 more efficiently,” NYC Parks Queens Commissioner Michael Dockett said. “We’re grateful to Council member Moya for the continued support and commitment to providing residents with safe community green spaces.”
The officers’ day-to-day focus is on quality-of-life violations and educating parkgoers on the general park rules. The new office trailer, based in Park of the Americas at 103-8 42nd Ave., will house the new PEP sub-station.
“Thank you to Queens Parks Commissioner Michael Dockett and the incredible Queens Parks team, and everyone in our community that partners with me so we can have neighborhoods we can be proud of,” Moya said.
In addition to calling 311 and Moya’s district office at 718-651-1917, constituents will have the opportunity to engage and partner with PEP officers to help address any concerns or issues in the parks and in the neighborhood.