
In Glendale, schools chancellor calls for parents to get involved

Farina Glendale
Photo courtesy of Councilwoman’s Elizabeth Crowley’s office

Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña came to Glendale’s P.S. 91 on Wednesday, urging parents to seek seats on education councils and become more involved in their local public schools.

Elections are held every two years for seats on all 32 community education councils (CEC) and the citywide councils for high schools, English language learners, special education and District 75 schools.

The advisory bodies hold monthly meetings, examine issues relevant to the district and offer recommendations for or against certain policies.

“The community and citywide education councils help shape education policies and maintain strong relationships with families and the community,” Fariña said. “Education councils make important contributions to their communities, and I want to encourage parents across the city to apply for a seat.”

“We need our community education councils to represent diverse needs and voices of public school parents,” added Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley, who joined Fariña at P.S. 91 on Wednesday. “If any parent has ever wanted a more direct line of communication with the Department of Education, this is the best way to do it.”

Parents of a child currently enrolled in a public school within their district are qualified to pursue a seat on their respective education council. No prior experience is necessary; people of all languages are welcome.

Applications are being accepted through Mar. 11; all candidates will meet with parent associations and parent-teacher associations within their district to solicit votes.

Three officers from each PA or PTA will cast online ballots for the council candidates of their choice between Apr. 19 and May 8. Winning candidates will then undergo training and leadership development for their positions.

For more information, visit www.nycparentleaders.org. The election results will be posted on the website on May 12.