Jamaica Queens cop and hip-hop legend DMC connects youth to black history with comic gallery By QNS News Team
Politics Van Bramer announces he will seek office of borough president when City Council term expires By Bill Parry
News Queens Library partners with streaming service to offer more than 30,000 free movies and docs By Angela Matua
Jamaica Girls Who Code donates 800 new books to Queens Library system in Jamaica By Suzanne Monteverdi
The Rockaways Calling all book lovers! Queens Library to hold 31-hour all-nighter at Rockaway Beach Branch By Anthony Giudice
News Here’s how you can safely view next week’s ‘Great American Solar Eclipse’ in Queens By Emily Davenport
Long Island City This Queens lawmaker kicks off school supply drive to give kids in need a great start in September By Emily Davenport
Bayside Third annual Queens Library’s Battle of the Bands features bands from Bayside and Ridgewood By Anthony Giudice
Hollis Multicultural Festival brings world culture to South Hollis afterschool children By Naeisha Rose
Glendale Take a look at what a newly redesigned Glendale Library will look like after $4 million renovation By Anthony Giudice
News ‘Subway Library’ program gives Queens commuters access to hundreds of e-books underground By Angela Matua
Corona Pull an all-nighter at the Corona library with a dance party, movie screenings and more By Angela Matua
Long Island City Hunters Point Library construction delayed due to workers strike in Spain By Angela Matua
Astoria Bus countdown clocks, tech upgrades and street trees coming to Astoria with extra budget funds By Angela Matua
Long Island City Go down memory lane with this exhibit on The Floating Hospital, a Long Island City institution By Angela Matua
Long Island City Mobile library coming back to Long Island City as construction of new branch continues By Angela Matua
amNY ‘Back to the Bridges’: Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge for civil rights on 60th anniversary of ‘Blood Sunday’