
He Like Our Editorial!

This is in response to reader Bill Hagel, Woodside, whose letter about the harsh words against the two men who attacked people in Flushing Meadow-Corona Park appeared in the January 17 issue of The Courier Sun (and The Queens Courier).
I do not agree that anger and bitterness against the thugs is not only unjustified but also part of the problem. Those two boys deserve all the outcry and clamor they get. One can only imagine how they must have been laughing at their crimes until they were caught. Let them feel the same outrage their victims and their families felt.
Mr. Hagel, it does not take a village to raise a child - it takes a family. Charity and values begin at home. Your Hillary Clinton type of socialism ascribes that a liberal society determine values and morals, not the family. By having the village teach the child, students lose all respect and love for their parents, and view society as their guide. How much stronger our values and respect for the law were when families taught children morals and decency.
Just look at the lack of respect for the law and fellow citizens today, all the result of liberal immorality and indoctrination begun in the social engineering 1960s.
J. Ahearn
Ozone Park

Cornel Wilde Fan
Congratulations on the wonderful tribute you paid Cornel Wilde (Courier Extra Section of November 9). He was, and still is my favorite actor and actually became part of my life, although he never knew it.
When I was 17, my piano teacher went with me to the Radio City Music Hall to see the movie “A Song to Remember” and it literally changed my life. Cornel Wilde was my first love and just his wonderful smile could light up a room. After we left Radio City, I asked my teacher if I could learn to play some of the beautiful Frederic Chopin music, and eventually I did.
Then I wanted to paint his portrait, so I took some art instruction and was able to paint his picture, which I copied from the cover of a movie magazine. It is still hanging in my apartment.
Later I bought a dozen or more copies of the video “A Song to Remember” and sent them to all my friends for them to enjoy. Over the years every time I felt down or depressed about something, all I had to do was play a Cornel Wilde video, especially “A Song to Remember” and everything seemed right with world again. It was better than taking a pill!
He is the only actor I ever wrote a fan letter to and happily, I received several autographed pictures of him. I framed them all. I think he was not only a wonderful actor, but a truly nice person.
I’m sure he made many fans happy all over the world. I was glad he got a star on the walk of fame and I did not know that before reading your article.
I framed your lovely tribute to him and hung it on the wall. I also Xeroxed several copies to send to friends. You did a wonderful job and gave me lots of information I didn’t know about him.
I hope he had happy life, for he made so many others happy just enjoying the movies. Now that I am almost 80 years old I don’t play the piano or paint anymore, but your beautiful article made me remember the happy days of my youth, for which I thank you.
A Devoted Fan

Watch Your Barack Hillary!
Barack Obama is off and running for president so I think Hillary Clinton may have a real fight on her hands for her run for the oval office. See Barack run, watch him run, see Barack jump over Hillary and beat her to the punch. Well I think this will be some race. The question is, who has the best solutions to solve the problems this nation of ours currently faces. You see, inquiring minds want to know.
Frederick R. Bedell Jr.

Point Well Taken!
Why is it that many Reporters and media personnel find it hard to call Marines - MARINES?
The word “soldier” is one who is engaged in military service in the Army. Sailors are not called soldiers; Airmen are not called soldiers. So why are Marines called soldiers? Are the Jets called the Giants, or the Yankees called the Red Sox?
We MARINES are a few, and proud bunch. We have fought, and worked very hard to earn the title of MARINES which is respected worldwide. Please call us what we are - MARINES. Semper Fidelis.
Marine Corps League,
Department of New York,
Public Relations Officer
Al Cavallo, Glendale

Shopping Center Shame
The Whitestone Cross Island Parkway Shopping Center is a disgrace. It is so filthy and dirty with papers flying all over and people feeding the seagulls and pigeons.
All the management company, Redmont Realty Corp., is concerned about is giving people worries about parking their cars. What a shame a person’s car is towed and they have to pay from $110 to $160.
Doesn’t the public know that these tow trucks work in pairs? One stays by the store and the other tow truck is parked around the corner. As soon as you park and enter the store, the one stationed by the store uses their two-way radio, and the other tow truck is there in 2 seconds. In minutes, your car is gone.
Look at the American flag flying over the bank. Redmont should be ashamed. It is hanging by a string - it is all torn and dirty and did not even give our former President, Gerald Ford, the respect of flying the flag at half-mast. The realtors should be hung.
I do not understand why more people do not go to the Bay Terrace Shopping Center. You can park and shop at better stores which are cleaner and the people are friendlier. Wake up Redmont. Clean up your act!
Emanuel “Manny” Ferrante