
Virtual job fair coming to LaGuardia

LaGuardia Community College students looking to make some money this Christmas season might find job-hunting a little bit easier thanks to the Workforce1 Career Center, which will be hosting a virtual retail employment fair on October 23.
The job fair will provide students the opportunity to apply online to the six retail companies represented at the fair including Toys “R” Us, Banana Republic, H&M, Duane Reade, Century 21 and the Gap Incorporated. All of these companies require applicants to apply for positions online. The Gap Incorporated will be on campus to interview about 100 students on the spot.
The job fair aims to make applying for these positions more convenient for both the applicants and the companies, said Workforce1 senior employment specialist John Shaia. The event will allow the students to apply via computer at the center.
“Each computer will be setup to a specific company site,” Shaia said. Students wishing to participate should call Shaia at 718-609-2117 or Employment Specialist Patricia Williams at 718-609-2122 by October 19. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the center located at 29-10 Thomson Avenue, Long Island City room C-400.
Workforce1 Centers are a division of the Department of Small Business Services. These centers provide people with free job counseling, job placement and skills training. The centers team up with many companies seeking out local employees. Centers are located in all five boroughs. For more information, you can also visit Http://www.nyc.gov/html/sbs/wf1/html/jobseekers/jobseekers.shtml.