
He Came at Ex with Cleaver

Say Woodside Man Menaced Woman In Apt.

A Woodside man accused of breaking into his exgirlfriend’s apartment and threatening to use a cleaver to kill her and a loved one on Sunday, Jan. 22, has been collared by detectives following an investigation, police reported.

Damion Jackson

The perpetrator was identified by law enforcement sources as 41-yearold Damion Jackson of 49th Street.

According to police, Jackson allegedly burglarized the 39-year-old female victim’s apartment at an undisclosed location within the confines of the 114th Precinct at midnight on Sunday.

Reportedly, Jackson climbed up the fire escape of the apartment house and used a brick to smash one of the windows leading to the victim’s apartment.

Once he entered the dwelling, police said, Jackson allegedly picked up a meat cleaver in the kitchen and confronted the woman, threatening to murder her and her 24-year-old son.

Following a brief dispute, authorities noted, Jackson put down the cleaver and exited from the apartment.

Members of the 114th Precinct responded to the scene. Neither the woman nor her son were injured.

Jackson’s mugshot was released by police on Monday night, Jan. 23, and the Woodside resident was taken into custody the following day on burglary charges, police said.