
Hearing on Bushwick School ‘turnaround’ Set for Apr. 18

H.S. For Older Students May Close

The District 32 Community Education Council (CEC 32) and the Department of Education (DOE) will hold a joint public hearing on Wednesday, Apr. 18 at J.H.S. 291 in Bushwick on the implementation of a proposed turnaround” plan for Bushwick Community High School.

Under the plan, the school- which serves 17-21 year olds who wish to continue their education and earn a diploma, and is located at J.H.S. 291-would close and a new school would open in its place.

Representatives of J.H.S. 291 and Bushwick Community High School will attend the meeting, as well as members of CEC 32 and the School Leadership Team and Deputy Chancellor Shael Suransky.

The hearing will begin at 6 p.m. at the school, located at 231 Palmetto St.

Residents who wish to speak can sign up, beginning 30 minutes before the hearing start time and closing 15 minutes after the start. Interpretation services will be available for residents who need help.