After a long season of hardship for young victims of Sandy, one organization is working to give them a bright summer.
The American Camp Association of New York and New Jersey is offering summer camp scholarships to children of families greatly impacted by the storm through its Heal the Children program.
“Representing a community that was devastated by Sandy, I know firsthand the suffering New Yorkers endured, particularly our children,” said Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who helped announce the free summer camp program.
“By providing free camp time, the association is giving children something wonderful to which they can look forward, and giving their parents the freedom to focus on recovering and rebuilding.”
The American Camp Association established its Heal the Children program to help young people affected by the 9/11 attacks. The organization concluded that children who endured Sandy could similarly benefit from the program.
“In the aftermath of Sandy, we once again saw children in our communities suffering great loss, and once again the summer camp community responded by giving these children a safe and wonderful summer at camp, allowing them to leave their troubles behind, even if just for a short time,” said Scott Ralls, American Camp Association president.
For more information, contact the American Camp Association of New York and New Jersey at 212-391-5208.