City Councilman Paul Vallone’s (D-Whitestone) response (“Inform people of school hearing,” Dec. 27-Jan. 2) to my Dec. 6-12 letter “Community deserved say in planned school” was that he has been opposed to the approved primary school on the Keil Bros. property in my section of Bayside all along. I had heard differently.
At this point, we must move forward rather than debate who said and did what. I take Vallone at his word that he opposes this site. Now let him step up to the plate and help out the Bayside community like he helped the Whitestone community fight a school siting that was also going to be incorrectly placed.
As soon as Vallone is sworn in as our new councilman, I believe his first duty is to stop the construction of the school on the Keil property, which is an inappropriate site for the reasons outlined in my previous letter.
In addition, the people were denied their right to speak in opposition to the project when the Council hearing took place. We were never notified a hearing was taking place. This is supposed to be a government for and by the people. The city defaulted on its responsibility to the people in this case.
Let’s see our new councilman get some results, even if it involves going to court. We need more schools, but not on the Keil site in between people’s backyards.
Mandingo Osceola Tshaka