After showing support last month for newly-elected Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, Queens Councilmembers Julissa Ferreras and Jimmy Van Bramer are the top contenders to head the Council’s finance committee, according to Politicker.
A City Council source told Politicker negotiations over the finance chair appointment are underway this week and “announcements could be coming soon.”
When contacted by The Courier, both Van Bramer and Ferreras had no comment to the Politicker report.
Mark-Viverito has yet to respond to a request for comment.
Van Bramer and Ferarras were two of six Queens councilmembers to back Mark-Viverito in December, in contrast to the wishes of their county’s Democratic Party leadership.
Mark-Viverito has so far only appointed members to the Council’s rules, privileges and elections committee.
Those members include Councilmember Donovan Richards, the only Queens representative on the committee.
The remaining committees are expected to be announced at the Council’s next meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22.