By Madina Toure
A Kenyan diplomat was attacked when a man broke into his home in Kew Gardens Hills Saturday night, the NYPD said.
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kenya to the United Nations confirmed that its first counselor, Evans Maturu, was attacked in his home.
Maturu, 48, confronted the suspect in the living room of his home on 147th Street near 73rd Avenue at about 7:42 p.m., according to a police spokeswoman.
The suspect hit him with a metal bat on the head, causing a laceration, and fled the location on foot, the spokeswoman said.
The suspect entered the man’s home by breaking in through a basement window, she said.
The man suffered injuries but no items were stolen from his home, she added.
Police described the suspect as a white man in his 30s, 5-foot-5-inches with black hair who was last seen wearing black pants and a white shirt.
No arrests have been made and the investigation was ongoing, the spokeswoman said.
Reach reporter Madina Toure by e-mail at mtour