
St. John’s University dean honored by Catholic association

By Madina Toure

The National Catholic Educational Association honored St. John’s University’s Dr. Mary Jane Krebbs, chairwoman of the Institute for Catholic Schools, with its President’s Award at the 25th annual NCEA Seton Awards Gala Monday.

Krebbs, who also serves as associate dean for graduate studies for St. John’s School of Education, is among five honorees who were honored at the gala, which was held at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Krebbs said she is humbled to receive the award, likening it to receiving an Oscar. She said it reflects not only her work but that of St. John’s University.

“I feel it’s an honor for me and I feel it’ a recognition of what St. John’s is and does,” she said.

Krebbs worked as an elementary school teacher, a high school teacher, a high school administrator and a central office administrator at the Archdiocese of New York, where she worked for 40 years.

During her 19 years with the Archdiocesan central office, Krebbs worked in the areas of curriculum development and staff development for teachers and administrators in grades pre-K through 12 along with governance and partnership initiatives throughout the Archdiocese.

Under the Institute for Catholic Schools, she runs programs for teachers and administrators in the Tri-Diocesan area. She is a national presenter on curriculum issues and Catholic identity and values integration.

“Dr. Krebbs’ 40 years of service in Catholic education has been the hallmark of professional development and partnerships with Catholic school higher education to train principals and teachers,” the NCEA stated. “Dr. Krebbs is a gifted educator and speaker who has influenced Catholic education throughout the United States.”

Reach reporter Madina Toure by e-mail at mtoure@cnglocal.com or by phone at (718) 260–4566.