
This Ozone Park high school saw a big jump in SAT scores this year

Photo courtesy of City Councilman Eric Ulrich


Students and faculty at Robert H. Goddard High School in Ozone Park were joined by Councilman Eric Ulrich on Tuesday to celebrate some real academic progress.

Students who took the class increased their SAT scores in April 2018 over their 11th grade PSAT scores by an average of 74 points. The highest increase was 390 points. The students’ average PSAT score was 975, and the average SAT score was 1050.

“This critical program has resulted in changing the trajectory of student performance resulting in more students being college and career ready.  It has also supported many parents who felt relieved to know that their children were being supported by experts with the additional benefit of saving hundreds of dollars,” said Principal Dr. Joseph Birgeles.

Ulrich has funded the course at this and other schools across the district since 2011.

“With this funding, we are able to offer a high-quality course with proven results – all at no cost,” said Ulrich. “I’m very proud of this program, of this school and of these students who are committed to putting in the time, effort and energy to succeed.”

SAT prep is a 10-week afterschool course. Students must show their commitment to the program through an interview process. Robert H. Goddard had 50 students in the program this year, which was double the enrollment from last year. They were able to expand by using Test Rocket, a more cost-effective program.

In 2016, students who took SAT prep at Robert H. Goddard brought their average score up by 121. In 2017, they brought the average score up by 153.

Other schools offering the program include Channel View School for Research and Scholars’ Academy in Rockaway Park and John Adams in Ozone Park.

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