Newtown High School, a historic institution in Elmhurst known for its diverse student body and strong community engagement, hosted a lively Lunar New Year celebration on Friday, Jan. 24.
The event, marking the Year of the Snake, was held at the school’s auditorium. It featured traditional performances, cultural presentations, and student-led activities, bringing together students, faculty, and families in a festive atmosphere.
The celebration included dynamic performances, such as Chinese fan and sword dances, traditional Hanfu showcases, and a martial arts-infused theatrical routine, all met with enthusiastic applause. Students dressed in cultural attire from various Asian communities, highlighting the school’s multicultural spirit. The event also featured Lunar New Year traditions, including a raffle, red envelope exchanges, and festive snacks.
“This celebration is more than just a performance—it’s about representation, inclusivity, and honoring the cultural heritage of many of our students,” said Assistant Principal Hoa Tu. “It’s inspiring to see them take pride in their traditions while also sharing them with their peers.”
Newtown High School Principal Bill Psaras emphasized the importance of cultural events in fostering unity. “Newtown is a place where students from all backgrounds come together, and celebrations like these help strengthen our sense of community,” he said.
The student-led event was coordinated by members of the school’s cultural clubs, with senior Gabriela Altomarino playing a key role in organizing performances and decorations. “The energy in the room was amazing. Seeing so many students come together to celebrate made all the hard work worth it,” she said.
Founded in 1897, Newtown High School, located at 48-01 90th St., is one of the oldest public high schools in New York City. With a large and diverse student population, the school offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses, career and technical education programs, and specialized language instruction. The school’s annual Lunar New Year event has grown in scale over the years, with increasing participation from students and faculty.