
QCC fundraisers ‘Walk to Aspire’

Queensborough Community College (QCC) called upon its entire community - students, faculty, alumni and staff, to kick-off a new idea to help students to pay for college and they responded by going the distance, with gusto.
The first-annual student scholarship fundraising event, dubbed “Walk to Aspire,” was held on the athletic field of the college’s Bayside campus on Wednesday, May 9.
The goal was to raise $10,000 from within the college itself, to fund scholarships and foster a culture of giving among students who were soon to become alumni.
Thirty-five teams consisting of students and faculty participated in the two-mile walkathon- eight laps around the QCC track, with the ultimate goal of helping prospective students realize their dream of a college education.
Scholarship money is a critical component at QCC, where, the college says, three out of four students need financial aid. The participants demonstrated that they had learned the lesson of “giving back” by their enthusiasm and participation.
Prizes were awarded for teams and individuals raising the most money and for best team presentation on the track.
Student Marie Elena Peranio of the “Aspire Scholarship Team” won the prize for “Top Student Partner” by raising $250.
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology, Tom Gerson, won the title “Top Faculty Partner” by raising nearly $1,700.” Gerson also headed the “Nuts and Volts” team.
But the top fundraiser of the day was the winner of the “Community Partner” award, Melissa Rudofolsky of the “Students for Disability Awareness” team, which took team honors.
Rudofolsky, who is a senior at Jericho High School on Long Island, took on this fundraising effort as part of her National Honors Society project and single-handedly collected more than $7,000.
“The Pulse,” the team from Queensborough’s Nursing Department, won the award for Best Presentation for their spirited display during the event, complete with matching T-shirts and a banner under which they did the limbo dance on their way around the track.
QCC President Eduardo J. Marti, who not only officiated over the event, but also walked with the Aspire team, brought the event to joyous conclusion when he announced that the group had not only met their goal, but more than doubled it, by raising more than $23,000.