
Pharmacies to get flu shot reimbursements

New York State pharmacies enrolled in Medicaid will now be reimbursed when they administer seasonal and H1N1 flu vaccinations to enrollees who are at least 18 years of age, Governor David Paterson announced last week.

The pharmacists giving the vaccinations must be certified and those receiving them must be enrolled in Medicaid fee-for-service.

These reimbursements began on October 15.

“For the first time this influenza season, which officially began on September 1, we are seeing widespread flu in New York,” Paterson said.

“Now that the H1N1 vaccine is arriving in the state, we are doing everything we can to get the vaccine to health care facilities and physicians’ offices so that New Yorkers can get vaccinated over the coming weeks. The federal government is asking people to be patient, as the vaccine is not expected to be available in quantities necessary for widespread vaccination until November,” Paterson continued.