
State Senate District 10

Name: Lynn Nunes

Age: 25

Party Affiliation: Democratic Party

Occupation: Real Estate Agent/Mortgage Broker

Decision To Run: The rough economy has hit our communities hard and our needs are being neglected by a dysfunctional government. It’s time for new leadership to provide for our communities and protect our families. As State Senator for Southeast Queens, I will be a strong voice for our neighborhoods and deliver real results for our families.

Major Issues: Hospital Closures: Albany neglect has left our families hurting for healthcare. Our district has 330,000 residents and zero hospitals. Three hospitals bordering the district have already shut down and the only one left is very inconvenient for many residents to reach. In our State Senate, I will fight to provide my neighbors the world-class healthcare they deserve.

Overdevelopment: Out of control overdevelopment is disfiguring our neighborhoods and overstressing our schools, roads, and sewers. Here in Queens, I grew up in a community I could be proud of with open lawns and a neighborhood feel that’s become far too rare these days. Unchecked construction is replacing those lawns with eyesores and carving up the neighborhoods we call home. If I’m elected, will protect our communities with fair guidelines on new construction and work with local leaders to enact effective zoning laws.

Top Priorities: I will make sure that the costs of balancing our budget are never paid by those who can least afford it. Budget cuts should never come at the cost of our schools and our healthcare. I will work hard to prevent the future closure of Queens hospitals and bring a more adequate and accessible healthcare system to our district.


Name: Shirley L. Huntley

Age: 72

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Occupation: State Senator

Decision: As a mother, a former small business owner and lifelong resident of southern Queens, I understand to get through these difficult times, families need good jobs, strong schools and safe streets. That’s what I have been advocating and fighting for the past 40 years and will continue to do if re-elected. When I first ran for public the people in the community were in need of real leadership in Albany. My decision to once again seek re-election is for that same reason. In my 20 months in the Senate Majority I have been able to bring some real resources into my community, and I would like to return to Albany to ensure my constituents get all the resources they need and deserve.

Major Issues: My constituents are faced with issues including the need for living wage jobs, quality education and access to affordable healthcare, as well as relief from the nationwide housing crisis. These are issues I have been fighting hard for in Albany as well as locally. I am determined to bring good jobs into the community and that is why I supported progressive legislation such as the Power for Jobs bill, which will bring thousands of jobs to the state. I pushed back on the passage of the School Governance extension until meaningful parental involvement was included as part of the renewal of the law. I brought the Senate Democrat sponsored Operation: Protect Your Home to the community, playing a major role in its implementation.

Top Priority: I will continue to be an independent voice for my constituents. I will continue to advocate for reform in the legislature, along with sponsoring and supporting legislation that will provide jobs, education funding, and maintaining essential services to the community.