
Halloran needs to face facts

We know better. At the Sept. 18 Auburndale Civic Association meeting, City Councilman Dan Halloran (R-Whitestone) sang the inaccurate chorus some candidates keep reprising.

Halloran sings well, but the lyrics are filled with inaccuracies. No, the current policy of this country does not throw Israel under the bus just because we do not sing Netanyahu’s words. And the city’s current unemployment percentages are misleading because the city was undercounted in the 2010 census.

We are adding jobs at the fastest rate in the country. One reason the debt has risen during the current administration is the accrual of interest on the unpaid expenditures of the previous administration.

Finally, Halloran’s refusal to consider raising revenue as part of a solution to the debt problem is illogical and irrational. He tries to sing loud enough to drown out the truth, but we know better.

Debra Michlewitz
