By Henry Euler
As an 11-year member of Queens Community Board 11, I was disturbed to learn that one of my colleagues had not been reappointed to the board in April.
Mel Meer admirably served on the board for 16 years. In my opinion he did an excellent job, always expressing his well-thought-out views that reflected the best interests of the community.
Although no board member is guaranteed a spot on the board in perpetuity, my understanding is that no reason for Mr. Meer’s dismissal was given to him. That does not seem fair to me and I can only conclude that he may have been dismissed because he said something or took a stance that was controversial. That puts all board members at risk and stifles independent thought.
One must remember that community board members are unpaid volunteers. The Board’s votes on land use issues and other community concerns are advisory in nature. Even though we do not always agree, I would say that the members of Community Board 11 respect each other’s views and work together harmoniously.
We serve by attending monthly board meetings as well as various committee meetings. Mr. Meer served on several such committees and was an active participant. We choose to serve because we care about what happens in our communities.
Over my tenure on the board, I have met and worked with many fine, dedicated individuals. One of those individuals is Mel Meer. I would hope that he continues to attend and participate at community board meetings, if not as a member at this time, then as a regular citizen.
I look forward to the day when Mr. Meer returns to the board as an active member. I would also urge other community residents to consider joining their community board and have an impact on what happens in their neighborhoods.
Henry Euler