By Mark Hallum
The 111th Precinct bid farewell to Deputy Inspector William McBride and welcomed a new face to the role of leading law enforcement in northeast Queens.
Community Council President Jack Fried said McBride was rotated out of the precinct, as is customary in the NYPD every two three years. He pointed out that the precinct is looking forward to a new chapter with a familiar face in Capt. John Hall.
“We were very happy with McBride. When he was here, he was out there. You could always sit down in his office and talk to him. We feel bad losing him, but we know Capt. Hall – he’s been at our precinct as a deck officer,” Fried said. “[He’s] a very nice guy, pleasant, and hopefully we have a good relationship with him like we did with McBride.”
Hall, a Sunnyside resident, appeared before Community Board 11’s monthly meeting on March 5 and explained he had worked with the 48th and 52nd precincts in the Bronx and spent some time with the 5th Precinct in Manhattan’s Chinatown
“I know what we face as Queens residents — parking is a big issue,” Hall said, explaining he planned to keep enforcing against illegal parking of abandoned cars on residential streets.
One board member asked Hall how he planned to address the fact that residents often report calling community affairs at the 111th without receiving a response, and recently one called without even reaching an answering machine on the other end.
Hall said the new neighborhood policing program in the precinct should give residents a line to officers in the program through email to address non-emergency issues.
Others hoped the new commanding officer would help alleviate their woes regarding illegal fireworks in neighborhoods, an issue which Hall said the precinct would be handling.
McBride had come to the 111th in 2015 after having spent all 24 of his previous years with NYPD in Queens at other precincts, including the 108th.
The 111th was McBride’s first opportunity to lead a precinct of his own, which he said was always his goal upon being promoted to captain.
“When new blood comes, in things change, but hopefully whatever changes are made will be for the better,” Fried said. “Our precinct is not a high-crime precinct. Most of our problems are local break-ins or tires stolen off of cars, or what have you, and it requires a different touch when dealing with the community.”
The 111th Precinct Community Council meeting scheduled for Wednesday was canceled so that Hall could have an orientation period with the officers he will be serving with.
Reach reporter Mark Hallum by e-mail at mhall