In my column last week, I wrote about love and hate and the senseless hateful murders in Buffalo. Then, just days after the terrible tragedy came the terrifyingly heartbreaking murders of innocent children and their teachers at an elementary school in Texas.
These murderous acts should lead us to a “Call to Action!”
I believe we are condoning the murders if we stay silent. Until our government steps up funding for mental health services in every school and enacts, at least, a law to license guns, history will keep repeating itself with senseless acts of violence.
So I am asking everyone to join me in calling for action and change.
Each of us has elected officials in our neighborhood. Pick up the phone and tell them they must act! Tell your elected officials — your Assembly members, state senators, congress representatives and U.S. Senators Schumer and Gillibrand — to fund mental health programs and police forces and push legislation to at least license guns.
Those who can implement change need to know you care. And the ones that don’t support the three steps listed above must know you’re watching them! Even if your elected official supports these measures, tell them you appreciate their efforts. They need to hear your support, too!
It’s only minutes out of your day to show you care about the people who were slaughtered.
Sadly, anything attached to the smallest tweaking of gun ownership laws brings the ire of the all powerful NRA.
The NRA is a stunningly forceful organization that, through its members and lobbying, makes massive donations to elected officials who need money to campaign. The NRA provides those donations, making many electeds forever indebted to them. That’s why the NRA “owns” their votes.
It’s a fault in our democracy that, to get elected, one must raise massive money to run and needs donors. Those donors then can influence decisions.
The NRA’s grip on legislation for even common sense changes to our gun laws takes my breath away.
You need a license to go fishing. You need a license to drive a car. Why shouldn’t you need a license to own a gun?
Schools have an opportunity not only to educate children, but to make sure they are healthy, too.
When I was in elementary school, there was a full time nurse on staff. Sadly, with the world we live in today, it’s time to recognize the need for social workers and/or trained mental health professionals to be in every school.
We must adapt to the changes in our world on many levels.
My heart aches for the families that lost their loved ones. They must not have died in vain.
So join me in my Call to Action. Make a call to your elected officials. Tell them you care. And may we all be a part of making our country a better, safer place.
Weekend of welcoming summer
To my delight, Dan’s Papers hosted a party at the pretty and well-located NAIA restaurant in the Capri Southampton Hotel.
Joy reigned as my team met our guests and we all felt safe enough to mingle and hug, happily seeing each other again.
Our publisher Ali Jabbour introduced Dan’s Papers “Swag Store” that has many items for sale, including an assortment of T-shirts, beach bags, sweatpants, hats and more with the iconic Dan’s Papers brand. What fun!

On Saturday, my son Josh and his family came to visit me in Westhampton Beach. Fortunately, the rain had passed and the brilliant blue sky allowed us to jump into the pool for our first swim as we officially celebrated the start of summer!
For dinner, with the sun shining down on us, we drove to Manna at Lobster Inn, located just off the Sunrise Highway in Southampton.
Jessie, the guru behind the restaurant’s creation, greeted us at the front desk.
He and his partner Donna saved the iconic site from being hobbled up for condos. With the help of Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman, the decades-old site was saved, reborn and revitalized.

As we made our way to the outside deck to our picnic table seating, Jessie proudly told us his fish is so fresh because the fishermen bring him their catch of the day, every day. From lobster to sea bass, it’s truly from “sea to table.” What a special opportunity to eat the freshest fish — and boy, was the food delicious!
We had an array of their signature catches: Shrimp, oysters, tuna and lobster! Each was the best I ever ate!
Within a minute of sitting down, grandkids Hudson and Sloane had crayons to draw on their placemats. No electronics were needed! We had a tic-tac-toe competition until their chicken fingers arrived!

A surprise treat on the menu was a huge, hot pretzel — my favorite treat from the streets of Manhattan!
Each dish delighted my palate in a magical setting overlooking the bay. What a way to begin the summer!
Stay posted to see what’s next!