Maggie’s Little Theater in Middle Village announced it will be performing the musical comedy “Once Upon a Mattress” throughout the month of July. The play’s music was written by Mary Rodgers, the lyrics by Marshall Barer and the book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller and Barer.

This two-act play is inspired by the popular fairy tale “The Princess and the Pea.” The play revolves around Princess Winnifred the Woebegone, played by Alicia Brosky, as she attempts to complete a supposedly impassable sensitivity test from Queen Aggravain, played by Shana Aborn. The princess must pass this test in order to marry the Queen’s son, Prince Dauntless, played by Daniel Stravino. The Queen had also previously proclaimed that nobody within the kingdom is allowed to get married before her son.
“There’s something special about ‘Once Upon a Mattress,'” said Dolores Voyer, who plays the Minstrel. “Everyone falls in love with the story and wants to come back again and again. I’ve been in this show three times so far and I look forward to sharing the story with a new audience, as well as established fans.”
“Once Upon a Mattress” was first produced on Broadway in 1959. Actress Carol Burnett got her career started acting in a production of it.
Maggie’s Little Theater’s production is being directed by Barbara Auriemma. The music director is Ray Naccari. Renee Cerchia-Cohn has been serving as the choreographer.
This won’t mark the first time Maggie’s Little Theater will be putting on this production; it will be the fourth time Maggie’s Little Theater will be putting on this play and the first time since 2012.
“Many moons ago, I appeared as Lady Larken in a local theatre production of ‘Once Upon A Mattress,'” Auriemma said. “Ever since that moment, I have adored the show. Realizing my forte was directing, I had the opportunity to direct this fractured version of the fairy tale ‘The Princess and the Pea’ (my favorite childhood story) in 2006 at the JC Players and then again in 2010 for Maggie’s Little Theater. Maggie’s decided to reprise the show and I’m delighted to be directing this zany musical one again with an amazing cast and crew.”
A total of seven shows will be performed at St. Margaret Parish Hall, located at 6605 79th Pl. Performances will start at 8 p.m. on July 8, 14, 15 and 22. There will be 2:30 p.m. shows on July 9, 16 and 23.
Tickets for each show can now be reserved by visiting or calling Maggie’s Little Theater at 347-286-8508. Online tickets can be reserved up to 24 hours before showtime; however, there is no guarantee of the reservation being accepted. If the reservation can’t be accommodated, the theater will quickly send a return email. Tickets for each show are $25 for adults and $20 for seniors and children up to the age of 11.