
Congressman Suozzi joins delegation to Normandy in commemoration of 80th Anniversary of D-Day

Congressman Tom Suozzi met D-Day veteran Dominick Critelli in Normandy last week.
Photo courtesy of Rep. Suozzi

Congressman Tom Suozzi was part of a bipartisan congressional delegation that joined President Joe Biden in Normandy, France, earlier last week to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day. 

The eastern Queens representative, who also represents Nassau County, was among thousands around the world who commemorated the anniversary of the invasion during World War ll. 

During his visit, he paid his respects to many soldiers from the third congressional district who were buried in Normandy. One in particular is Brig. General Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of President Theodore Roosevelt. 

“This experience in France was truly sobering and humbling. Eighty years later, the heroic sacrifice made on the altar of Normandy must be remembered, respected and revered,” Suozzi said in a statement.The memory of these brave souls demands that Americans earn the sacrifice they made by lifting up our freedom and our democracy and participating in our politics and government in a way that is more noble.” 

During his visit, Suozzi also visited the grave of Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Photo courtesy of Rep. Suozzi

But Suozzi was able to pay his respects to one D-Day veteran in person, 103-year-old Dominick Critelli from Floral Park. On June 6, 1944, he was responsible for tracking aircraft intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. His unit was able to identify enemy troop formations, gauge their supply lines and point out ammunition depots. 

For the congressman, meeting Critelli recalled memories of his own father, who was also born in Italy and went on to serve in WWII. Suozzi proudly noted that his father received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal for his dozens of war missions. 

The delegation was also welcomed to the French National Assembly in Paris, where Suozzi met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

In the same room where 16 European nations came together to formulate the Marshall Plan in 1947, the two leaders discussed the latest developments in Russia’s war on Ukraine and the future of American support in the region. 

“To truly honor our war dead, we must rededicate ourselves to the cause they sacrificed for – freedom and democracy,” said Suozzi. “Advocating and participating in our democracy is how we keep America strong and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.”