
Victoria’s secrets: Special celebrations

John Catsimatidis celebrated his birthday with his wife Margo and hundreds of friends and the WABC team.

Two of my favorite people had celebrations: John Catsimatidis celebrated his 76th birthday and Bill O’Reilly released his remarkable book, “Confronting the Presidents: No Spin Assessments from Washington,” with each fascinating chapter profiling every president through Biden.

And I made a new friend who lives in the Hamptons, ironically in my building in North Hills, Talia Carner. When we were introduced, an instant friendship began. She, like me, has had many careers, but for the last decade has become an award-winning author of several novels, having gained great recognition for her work. 

The latest project she’s involved with fascinated me: a new book “On Being Jewish Now,” an anthology by multiple writers that is edited by our Dan’s Papers Power Woman Zibby Owens.

The book, being released Oct. 1, chronicles multiple women’s experiences with antisemitism, and in today’s environment the stories are compelling and troubling. Stay tuned — we expect to serialize the chapters!

Until its release, a must-read is Talia’s latest book “The Boy with the Star Tattoo,” which is on its way to the bestseller list for its compelling historical fiction about families surviving the Holocaust and their complicated journeys to Israel and finding each other. 

It’s a page-turner, sure to be on your night table beside the powerful Bill O’Reilly and his book partner, historian Martin Dugard’s book, who have written 18 #1 bestsellers! It’s easy to understand why — I’m addicted to their fact-filled eyebrow-raising books. The latest one is chock full of facts about each president, including that President George Washington’s mom Mary was so cruel and unappreciative of her son and his accomplishments, he never went to her funeral.

Each president’s profile is filled with juicy nuggets of information that will make your jaw drop as mine did with each chapter.

Bill and Martin’s book gives me hope that no matter who wins the current presidential race, based on past presidents’ enmity to each other and conflicts in the world at the time, our country will survive!

Love to you, my dear readers.


A masterful performance

The sun was shining in a cloudless, pure blue sky as I drove to Suthampton’s Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons to hear the “master” Andrea Boccelli perform in person!

The “master” Andrea Boccelli

My friend Lois Christie and I went to the church for the historic performance in their chapel and met many friends while we waited, including Charles and Renee Evdos, Nicholas Cascio (the owner of Giorgio’s Caterers) and Anthony Degradi of Surgicore, along with our hosts Father Alex and Father Constantine, as well Sheriff Errol Toulon and his wife Tina, who led the event for the New York Cancer Foundation. The concert raised funds for the foundation to benefit cancer patients who need help paying their medical bills.

Dr. Peter Michalos & his fiancée Dr. Magdelane

Dr. Jeff Vacirca, CEO of New York Cancer & Blood Specialists, welcomed the overflowing roomful of donors and thanked them for their support.’’

Dr. Jeff and Lori Vacirca

As I made my way to the sanctuary where the performance was held, I felt the excitement, anticipation and joy of everyone around me.

When I found my seat exactly at 4:04 p.m., the great operatic master made his way to the stage to a standing ovation from a wildly appreciative audience.

When everyone sat, we all relished the opportunity to hear Bocelli perform — and he didn’t disappoint! I was entranced to hear his powerful voice holding notes longer than I can hold my breath, and then be joined by Theresa Carlomagno, who sang like an angel accompanying him and singing on her own to cheers from the audience.

Echo & Eileen D’Agostino
Lisa Liberatore & Dr. Dimitri Kessaris

But at 4:40, it was over and the cheers from the delighted audience unfortunately could not bring him back for an encore. I felt greedy to hear more but I delighted in every minute of hearing his spectacular voice. What a treat!


Welcome to the world!


Congratulations to Jordan and Dr. Danielle Edwards on the birth of their new baby Indie Rose! She was born at 5:33 a.m. on Sept. 4 in Huntington

Indie Rose