Police & Fire Queens communities, police precincts celebrate National Night Out Against Crime 2023 By QNS News Team
Jamaica Gunman remains at large following mysterious shooting in front of Jamaica bodega: NYPD By Bill Parry
Police & Fire Crook assaults man on board E train at Jamaica Center–Parsons/Archer subway station: NYPD By Zachary Gewelb
Auburndale Auburndale man charged with murder for gunning down Jamaica man last August: NYPD By Bill Parry
News Rookie cop released from Jamaica Hospital nine days after he was shot in the line-of-duty By Bill Parry
Jamaica Jamaica elementary school teacher busted for allegedly assaulting 8-year-old girl: NYPD By Bill Parry
Jamaica NYPD commemorates 35th anniversary of the assassination of Police Officer Edward Byrne in South Jamaica By Bill Parry
Jamaica Notorious Queens drug kingpin granted early ‘compassionate release’ due to health setbacks By Bill Parry
Jamaica Gunman sought for shooting at group of people in downtown Jamaica last month: NYPD By Bill Parry
Jamaica Jamaica man faces life in prison for stabbing younger brother to death in July: DA By Bill Parry
amNY ‘Back to the Bridges’: Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge for civil rights on 60th anniversary of ‘Blood Sunday’