Jamaica Rain or shine: Hundreds join Jamaica Q 5K Walk/Run to celebrate community spirit By Athena Dawson
Jamaica Greater Jamaica Development Corporation invites runners and walkers of all levels to its third annual Jamaica Q 5K Walk/Run on Sept. 28 By Athena Dawson
Jamaica New art initiative in downtown Jamaica: JCAL partners with GJDC for Greater Nexus exhibitions By Athena Dawson
Jamaica Impactful women honored at Greater Jamaica Development Corporation’s ‘Women Who Lead Reception’ By Athena Dawson
Jamaica Jamaica small business owners discuss continued economic challenges, recovery in a post-pandemic era By Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Challenger in race for Queens district attorney endorsed by key leader of Jamaica renaissance By Bill Parry
Jamaica Greater Jamaica Development Corporation to host first-ever 5.5K Run/Walk this Saturday By Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Three Queens organizations awarded funding from National Grid to support small businesses By Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Queens Tech Council launches new initiative to foster sector at Greater Nexus in Jamaica By Bill Parry
Jamaica Greater Jamaica Development Corporation enters new alliance with Queens Chamber of Commerce By Olivia Hom
Jamaica Greater Jamaica Development Corporation announces opening of new office space, upcoming projects in community By Carlotta Mohamed
Long Island City Queens Tech Council reconvenes to improve landscape for industry in borough By Bill Parry
Jamaica Downtown Jamaica street clock restored, grant program for small business pandemic recovery announced By Bill Parry
Jamaica Southeast Queens officials break ground on new mixed-use development in Jamaica By Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Community leaders break ground on Downtown Jamaica co-working and training facility By Carlotta Mohamed
Jamaica Ground finally broken on a new mixed-use Jamaica building with 380 affordable apartments By Robert Pozarycki
Jamaica Busy Jamaica intersection receives redesign with safety features and improved pedestrian experience By Emily Davenport
Jamaica Downtown Jamaica is already seeing major benefits from ‘Action Plan,’ with many more to come By Anthony Giudice
March 27, 7:30 pm It CAN Happen Here! Hallie Flanagan and the Federal Theatre Project Culture Lab LIC
March 28, 5:30 pm Tastes of the Archipelagos: A Journey Through Movement, and Taste! Church of the Incarnation
amNY Grieving mother in Brooklyn confronts suspect accused of murdering her son with heartbreaking question
Schneps Podcasts Data Innovation and Transparency in NYC with Martha Norrick, Chief Analytics Officer