News Con Ed makes improvements to protect customers from severe weather following Sandy outages By Gina Martinez
Bayside Cable failure sparks Bayside power outage that hit nearly 1,400 customers: Con Edison By Robert Pozarycki
Howard Beach Faulty feeder cable to blame for Howard Beach power outage that threw 1,300 customers into the dark By Anthony Giudice
Politics Queens residents can expect their Con Edison bills to go up starting this Saturday By Emily Davenport
Glendale Even more construction work is coming to Glendale this week, this time on Central Avenue By Anthony Giudice
Astoria Astoria co-op calls for gas service to be restored, sheds light on bigger problems By QNS News Team
Schneps Podcasts Dan Rattiner speaks with Colin Goldberg, a Bronx-born artist who merges painting and digital media – Episode 219