
Jogger’s Courage Turns Tables On Attacker

She was jogging in the early morning hours in MacNeil Park when her attacker stabbed her 18 times.
Alice Miller, assistant to the Deputy Commissioner for Street and Arterial Maintenance, was lucky. A neighbor came to Miller’s rescue.
Miller fought back, bit her attacker, and ran from the park to a nearby home where she rang the doorbell and asked for help.
Unlike Kitty Genovese 35 years ago in Kew Gardens, Miller found a good samaritan.
"My attacker hit me right in the face and blood went everywhere…it was a stupid thing but I thought ‘He hit me in the face, and I got mad. I told him it was his worst day and he was messing with the wrong one."
After visiting her as she recovered in the hospital, Queens Parks Commissioner Richard Murphy said, "I never knew the depth of her character. She fought like hell. I’m sure it saved her life."
Alice Miller’s spunk and determination had turned terror into triumph.