By Times-Ledger
Saturday, March 10, 2000 * 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Marrilac Hall St. John's University
8000 Utopia Parkway * Jamaica Estates
To attend
To pre-register for the 4th Annual Personal Finance show, call the Times/Ledger Newspapers at
718.229.0300 Ext. 163
The day will include 16 seminars, great giveaways, coffee and doughnuts provided, lunch available and distinguished keynote speakers:
The event will be kicked off by
Claire Shulman,Queens Borough President
Admission Price: $5
Proceeds will be donated to St. Mary's Hospital For Children
Each attendee will be given a FREE 30 minute in-office Financial Consultation with the Financial Planning Association member of your choice!
“Making the Most of Your Money” will help you if you are…
* Investing on the internet
* Getting out of debt
* Maximizing the value of your home
* Planning your retirement
* Operating a business
* Deciding between a living trust and a will
* Concerned about long-term health care
* Financing your kids' or grandkids' college education
Look for our comprehensive special section to be published March 8, 2000. The 3rd Annual Planning Pays Off Show Guide will be distributed to all attendees.
For more information about the show, call Lisa Inciardi at 718-229-3300 Ext. 163.
To participate in the event
There are many ways businesses and professional can participate in Making the Most of Your Money and the special guide to the show that will appear in the award-winning TimesLedger Newspapers on March 8. .
VIP Package $4,700. Value $4,470.
Includes: 12-foot double booth exhibit space, a 45-minute seminar to the public, Full Page advertisement in the special show edition inserted into 13 editions of the TimesLedger Newspapers, 75-word business profile in the show edition, 2 1/4 page advertisements in the summer and fall Banking and Finance sections in the TimesLedger Newspapers, 50-word professional directory ad in the TimesLedger Newspapers. A year side banner on the TimesLedger website (including hyperlink to your sites).
Professional Package: $3,000. Value $4,470.
Includes 6-foot booth exhibit space, Full Page advertisements in the special show edition inserted into the 13 editions of the TimesLedger Newspapers, 75-word business profile in the show edition, 50-word professional directory ad in the TimesLedger Newspapers. A year side banner on the TimesLedger website (including hyperlink to your sites.)
Junior Package: $1,765. Value $2,940.
Includes: 6-foot booth exhibit space, 1/2 page advertisement in the special show edition inserted into 13 editions of the TimesLedger Newspapers, 75-word business profile in the show edition, 50-word professional directory ad in the TimesLedger Newspapers. A year side banner on the TimesLedger website (including hyperline to your sites.)
Participation Package $750. Value $1,765.
Includes 6-foot exhibit space, 75-word business profile in the show edition. Enchanced yellow pages listed on the TimesLedger website for 6 months.
*All sponsors receive complimentary name tags, table cloth of exhibit tables, companya name and logo on all promotional materials, refreshments at the event.
Advertising opportunities
Full page $2,052
3/4 page $1,539
9/16 page $1,154
1/2 page $1,026
3/8 page $ 770
1/4 page $ 513
1/8 page $ 257
For more information call
Valerie Pantaleo-Tyner 718.229.0300 Ext. 112