There were strong hits by Ryan Siegelstein, Justin Teitelbaum, Joseph Ficarrotta, Ian Kaplan and Austin Adi…
By The TimesLedger
Assemblyman David Weprin’s tee-ball team the Wildcats played its first game without hitting off the tee and they had their coaches pitch to them.
There were strong hits by Ryan Siegelstein, Justin Teitelbaum, Joseph Ficarrotta, Ian Kaplan and Austin Adi followed by some great base running from Michael Epstein, Kevin McManus, Benjamin Alfonso and Ryan Schwickrath.
Fantastic defensive plays were made by Christopher Castaneda, Jordan Simmons, Krishna Shah, Kevin Wang and Anna Sackel.
Coaches Ira Epstein and Steve Teitelbaum awarded the game balls to Justin Teitelbaum and Christopher Castaneda.