
Circus Tiger Escapes, No More Permits?

In light of the weekend escape of a Cole Brothers Circus tiger, the Citys Parks Department may deny the entertainers a permit next year.
An investigation is underway to determine whether public safety can be ensured at their events. If not, Cole Brothers may not be allowed to perform in New York City any longer.
The Bengal tiger at the center of the storm got loose on Saturday, making traffic in the area around Forest Park a real circus.
The 450-pound animal named Apollo, allegedly got away from his handlers while he was being transferred between cages. After roaming through the park, he then ran out onto the Jackie Robinson Parkway, causing numerous fender-benders, one five-car accident and temporary highway closures.
Police cordoned off a portion of Myrtle Avenue, where Apollos trainer lured him with a piece of meat and finally caged the elusive cat.
James Dora, a motorist who was caught in the tiger-induced traffic imbroglio, said, "Its not something you hear about every day, especially in Queens. Im just glad that they were able to trap him and get traffic back to normal pretty quickly."
Following the dangerous incident, Cole Brothers Circus was issued a health code violation for creating an animal nuisance.