
A children’s production of “Guys & Dolls, Jr.”

Fifty children from the Maspeth/Winfield area will perform an all-children’s production of “Guys & Dolls, Jr.,” at St. Mary’s Winfield Auditorium with opening night scheduled for Saturday, May 13, at 7p.m.
Winfield teacher Ann Smith is directing the show, Carole Stines is the choreographer and Donald Hausbeck has been working with the children to help with the musical direction.
Tickets are $6 for adults and $3 for children with proceeds going to funding the programs that the school funds throughout the year.
To get your reserved seats send an email to carolcav2005@nyc.rr.com, or call the St. Mary’s Rectory at 718-672-4848 and leave your ticket request for Carol Cavanagh.