
Liu launches women's job training program

In an effort to offer much-needed business skills to women in the work place, Councilmember John Liu and business leaders launched a free job-training program designed for women to become economically self-sufficient. Operated by the nonprofit Grace Institute, this workforce training and placement program is available for under-served New York area women of all ages and backgrounds. &#8220We must expand economic opportunity to all New Yorkers, regardless of gender or background,” Liu said. &#8220An educated workforce is not only critical to our City’s future vitality, but a starting point for individual empowerment and self-sufficiency. We encourage all women to take advantage of this opportunity.”
&#8220It is like a train on the right track,” added Han Chen, a graduate of Grace Institute. The Flushing resident is an administrative assistant at The Educational Alliance.
Elizabeth Savage, Student Affairs Coordinator at the Grace Institute, said, &#8220For over 100 years, women have changed the course of their lives through our free education and job placement program. Today, we are most grateful for this opportunity to reach under-served women here in Flushing.”
&#8220We look forward to outreaching to our members about the job training programs and trained personnel provided by the Grace Institute,” said Mabel Law, executive director of the Flushing Business Improvement District (BID). &#8220With the growth of so many professional offices and businesses in downtown Flushing, there is always a need for skilled office workers.”